DURABLE, FLEXIBLE BANNER AND MESH STOCKFind your match among our massive range of banner and mesh, suitable for a plethora of applications and conditions.VIEW PRODUCTS ›NEW PARTNERSHIPGlobally recognised, innovative, high quality sublimation media – exclusive to Shann DPMFIND OUT MORE ›GOOD THINGSCOME IN BIG PACKAGESOur new arrivals have landed. Get in touch for more information.FIND OUT MORE ›DID YOU KNOW?Drytac WipeErase® has anti-graffiti properties, allowing easy removal of permanent marker with rubbing alcohol.PRODUCT INFORMATION ›NEWSLETTER SIGNUPBe the first to know of our latest news, deals and exclusive salesSIGN UP NOW ›SET A NEW BENCHMARKIdeal for backlit pylons, building and corporate signage, Heylight B1 Backlit Banner also comes with a 5 year Australian warranty.PRODUCT INFORMATION ›FROM FILMS TO LAMINATESCurrently stocked with the latest products in One Way Vision technologyFIND OUT MORE ›OUR PARTNERS VIEW THE LATEST CATALOGUE › HEAD OFFICE03 8480 08001/73 Gower St, PrestonVIC 3072 Australia Instagram Facebook-f Linkedin About UsUrban Track ›The Shann Group ›Shann Window Fabrics ›FAQNews & PressAccount ApplicationCareersSIGN UP TO OURNEWSLETTERSIGN UP TO OURNEWSLETTER